Works by Phyllis Baker Hammond

Phyllis Baker Hammond’s career has spanned seven decades. She started her professional career sculpting in clay, in the 1950’s in Japan. In later years, she worked in bronze creating large scale angelic forms and the Will Award for the American Shakespeare Theatre Company. While in her 80’s, she began to work in sheet metal creating large abstract sculptures. In 2017, she was commissioned to create “Beyond the Edge,” a series of sculptures installed in Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza at the United Nations in New York City. Hammond is known for creating the “Redefining Space,” a 12 foot sculpture installed in Ube, Japan commemorating the bombing of Japan in WWII.

Hammond uses an improvisational method to create her colorful sculptures from sheets of metal that are later bent, hammered and then powder-coated in brightly colored paint. Her work has been a favorite among collectors across the nation and her collection has been shown in numerous galleries and universities.

Phyllis in the News!

Road Runner II Powder Coated Sheet Metal | Pictured with Alexandra Squire’s Summer Escape

Jubilant Powder Coated Sheet Metal | Pictured with Linda Colletta’s Underwater Poetry


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